As I have my own businuss in making handmade bags, homewares etc I am always looking at ways to make my products different and stand out. I have always loved vintage fashion since studying fashion at college and fashion history was one of our subjects.
Anyway, I am always having to buy buttons I use them on all my bags and I use them for cushions it gets a bit annoying having to go into town just to get a button to match a certain item. Me and my Dad started to look for buttons on Ebay so I could have and collection at home so I could look for a certain button when needed. This is when we stumbled upon vintage buttons in large collections and in vintage tins. I found one that i loved that had had a really good selection we had to bid and it was against quite a few people but we won! (It also came with some vintage thread, hooks and eyes and snap fastners)
The parcel came on Friday I was so excited and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was packaged it made it all the more better. All the buttons had been organised into colour categories with smaller buttons icon to plastic bags and then they where all In leopard print paper bags! Everything was then placed in a lovely perfume box.
To store my buttons I wanted something where I could sort them into colour categories and have enough room in each section to move them around so I could see them. I was looking in the garage when I spotted this little tool box, the trays fan out its just what I wanted.
I hope you liked this post it's my first one I will be posting lots of different types of posts, more on vintage buttons too as I have some more on their way to me.
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